Sunday, March 2, 2014


We all know that day by day requirement of electrical power is increasing but resources are limited, resulting in increased load on installed electrical systems due to which power quality get distorted. It is very important to take care of the various factors which affect the operation of electrical appliance and equipments. Some major factor are voltage fluctuation and phase unbalancing. We can say that these two factors are the big enemy of electrical appliances & equipments.
Due to these problems, several problems get generated in industrial, commercial & residential sectors such as :
  •   Reduction in motor efficiency, overheating and fast  ageing of motors and switch gears.
  •    Stoppage of production, inconsistent production quality and increase in wastage.
  •   Malfunctioning & data loss in electronic / CNC    equipments.
  •   Quick burn out of light fittings, bulbs & lamps.
  •   Higher consumption by lighting load.
  •   Higher demand & higher energy bill.
  •   Loss of competitive position.

Electrical industry is very much concerned due to above and is continuously working to bring the new inventions to solve the above issues. Servo Voltage stabilizers is one of the best solution to cater to the above issue. Servo voltage stabilizers solve small and giant problems of the electricity and add more life to the electrical appliances, equipments and machines.
A voltage stabilizer, as the name suggests helps us to have a stabilized the voltage. When there is a high voltage then it makes it to the required level of electrical equipment and vice versa. Stabilized input to the machines helps us to increase the efficiency of machines as well as quality of final product improves.
Servo Voltage Stabilizers are tailor made equipment, and can be customized as per actual voltage requirement of customer. Further we can also provide the various protection features in SVS, which are as below:
A)   Indoor or Outdoor Models
B)   Inbuilt By pass system
C)   Surge & Spike Suppressor
D)   Single phase prevention & phase reversal
E)   High/ Low cut off, auto resumption
F)    Trip & alarm for abnormalities.

So from above we can conclude that a Servo Voltage Stabilizers works as a Shield of our electrical appliances and equipments.

In case any enquiry free feel to contact us at we will happy to assist you.


At March 3, 2014 at 1:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

great blog

At March 3, 2014 at 1:37 AM , Blogger Sai Electricals said...

THANKS Mr. Mukesh

At November 8, 2014 at 1:21 AM , Anonymous Future electricals said...

nice blog, i Like it

At November 8, 2014 at 1:36 AM , Blogger Sai Electricals said...

Thanks for your response In case any query free feel to contact us at


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